About us

With the aim of highlighting the practical importance of artificial intelligence, and due to the important boom that the development of applications for mobile devices (Apps) is experiencing in recent years, CAEPIA'24' is convening the 6th competition on mobile Apps with Artificial Intelligence techniques.

Participating Apps will be accompanied by a written document with the format and contents detailed in the following section. Papers received will be subject to prior evaluation, and those accepted in the competition will be published in CAEPIA's conference proceedings and presented in a poster session. A jury will determine the winning application.

Click here to know more on the associated AWARDS

Apps Requirements

The following aspects will be observed:

  • Artificial Intelligence: The use of some artificial intelligence technique must be key in the main functionality of the application.
  • State of development: The application should be fully functional. Furthermore, it should not depend on external files or libraries for its correct execution.
  • Language: The language of the applications will be Spanish or English.
  • Operating System: Only applications will be accepted for iOS and Android operating systems.

Upload Requirements

  • Content: An explanatory PDF document with a maximum length of 4 pages, as well as a text document with the download link for the App, must be submitted via CAEPIA'24 Easychair page (Apps and videos competition track).
  • It is also recommended to include a video demonstration of the App. This video must have a maximum duration of 3 minutes, and it must explain both the handling and the artificial intelligence technique that supports the application.
    The main document presenting the application should be structured as follows:
    • Title: CAEPIA-APP Competition: App Title.
    • Data: Name and surname of all the creators who will appear as authors, as well as their affiliation (department, institution, etc.).
    • Content: The document should clearly address the following points:
      • A brief description of the application, tools used, main functionality and AI-related technique used.
      • Link to the video.
      • Justification of why the problem has been chosen to solve.
      • Justification of the choice of a specific A.I. technique, including a brief introduction to the technique.
      • Discussion on the usefulness and feasibility of the application.
      • Main conclusions.
      • References used related to application development, the problem solved, and the technique used.
  • Originality of the work: Authors will upload the Declaration of App Originality and Cession of Rights, which shall be completed with the data relating to the App and the authors, and must be signed by all of them. It is essential to send this document in order to participate in the competition.
  • Obligation of participants: At least one author must register for the conference. Also, one of the authors must present the app at the corresponding CAEPIA session.

Apps Evaluation

The review and evaluation shall consist of two phases:

  1. Phase 1: Explanatory document and app prototype . Interested contestants must send the explanatory document indicated above and a link to the prototype of the app, which must include all the planned functionalities and be very close to the final version.

    Submissions should be made through the CAEPIA'24 Easychair page (Apps and videos competition track).

    Once the submission has been evaluated, authors will be informed whether their paper has been accepted. The full written papers accompanying the selected papers at this stage will be published in the CAEPIA proceedings along with the rest of the accepted papers in the other activities of the conference. It will be compulsory for at least one of the authors to be registered in CAEPIA.

  2. Phase 2: Competition. All Apps selected in the previous phase will participate. In this phase, participants must complete the previous submission, adding the final version of the app and (if applicable) the optional demo video of the app and providing the originality document.

Click here to see important dates.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated by a jury appointed by the organization. The following aspects will be considered:

  • Degree of importance of A.I. technique in the functionality of the APP.
  • Usefulness.
  • Originality.
  • Usability.
  • Feasibility.
  • Appearance and user interface.


  • Alberto J. Bugarín Diz Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • Jose Antonio Gámez Martín Universidad de Castilla la Mancha
Contact: caepia2024_appvideo@easychair.org


  • Alberto Bugarín Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Jose Antonio Gámez Universidad de Castilla la Mancha
  • Oscar Luaces Universidad de Oviedo
  • Eva Onaindia Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  • Alicia Troncoso Universidad Pablo de Olavide
About us

In this competition, participants are invited to create three- to four-minute videos that serve as an informative introduction to Artificial Intelligence techniques and methods.

  1. New videos (between three and four minutes duration) that serve as an informative introduction to techniques and methods of Artificial Intelligence. The main objective of the video will be to answer the question What is X?, where X refers to an A.I. technique or method, or the question How is X applied to solve Y?, where X is the technique/method and Y is a problem or scope of application. As an illustrative example we show below some informative videos of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society on different topics of A.I.:
  2. New videos (between three- and four-minutes duration) aiming to promote early STEM vocations. The aim is to créate dissemination pills addressed to secondary school students, focusing on explaining/illustrating a relevant Artificial Intelligent achievement or application.
  3. New videos (between three- and four-minutes duration) aiming to highlight the contributions of women in Artificial Intelligence. The aim is to promote feminine vocations in A.I., through the creation of videos which illustrate examples or bios of relevant women in the A.I. field or relevant A.I. models/applications created by women.
  4. Existent videos (not new ones) produced by any organization (companies, public bodies, teaching or research centres, …) which promote the use and/or development of A.I.. The aim is to acknowledge materials not specifically produced for this competition, which may be being exploited/disseminated, but with a clear orientation towards the dissemination of A.I. and its applications.

The aim is that videos are informative and convey the main ideas of the chosen technique and its application to a non-specialized public (not A.I. researchers or with high scientific or technical level in this area. Videos can be understood as complementary didactic materials for high school or first-years undergraduate students.

In case the video explains a specific technique, it is very important that it describes how it can be applied and integrated into daily life tasks/problems.

Upload requirements

  • Language: The video can be generated either in Spanish or English, since they are the two languages used in this conference. Consistency in the use of one language or another will be assessed, and the associated document must be written in the language chosen for the video. Optionally, it can be subtitled.
  • Format: The video must be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, or another similar platform, with the following requirements:
    • Title: CAEPIA24 - (Video Title).
    • Description: Must contain the following information:
      • Title.
      • Link to this page of the competition.
      • Author or teams of maximum 4 members.
      • Brief summary of the video.
  • Duration: The length of the video will be between three and four minutes for categories A, B and C. Videos of shorter/longer duration will be excluded. No duration limit is established for category D videos.
  • Explained A.I. Technique: The topic is free as long as it deals with some of the A.I. techniques included in the CAEPIA and their associated events (workshops and sessions) topics of interest.
  • Written document: Accompanying the video, a written document of no more than three pages in PDF format will be sent to the CAEPIA'24 Easychair page (Apps and videos competition track), which will necessarily contain the following information:
    • Title: Competición Vídeo: Título del vídeo (Spanish option) or Video Competition: Video Title (English option), with the Título vídeo/Video Title fields being the title chosen for the video by the participating authors.
    • Data: Name and surname of all the creators, who will appear as authors, as well as their affiliation (department, institution, etc...).
    • Content: The document should clearly address the following points:
      • A short description of the tools and materials used for the technical implementation of the video (e. g. software used, if any special devices have been used, etc.).
      • Link of the video on YouTube, Vimeo or the chosen platform.
      • Justification of why that particular A.I. technique has been chosen, including a brief introduction to it.
      • Discussion on the main narrative and aesthetic resources used.
      • Discussion on the didactic usefulness of the material developed, and a personal assessment of it.
      • Main conclusions.
      • References used to elaborate the contents of the video.
  • Originality of the work: The written documents of the selected videos will be published in the CAEPIA proceedings. For this purpose, it will be essential to sign and send the Declaration of Originality of the Video and Cession of Rights which certifies that the material is original and created by the author(s) for the purpose of participating in this competition, that it does not include content to which the authors do not own the rights and that it has not been sent to any other competition or contest. The form must be completed with the details of the video and the authors and must be signed by all of them. It is mandatory to send this document to participate in the competition.

Evaluation of the Videos

  • Phase 1: Explanatory document. Contestants interested in participating should send the explanatory document indicated above via the CAEPIA'24 Easychair page (Apps and videos competition track).

    Once the submission has been evaluated, authors will be informed whether their paper has been accepted. The full written papers accompanying the selected papers at this stage will be published in the CAEPIA proceedings along with the rest of the accepted papers in the other activities of the conference. It will be compulsory for at least one of the authors to be registered in CAEPIA.

  • Phase 2: Competition. All videos selected in the previous phase will participate. In this phase, participants must complete the previous submission, updating the linked version of the video (if applicable), which will be evaluated in the competition.

Click here to see important dates.

Evaluation Criteria

The criteria to be taken into account in determining the winners will be:

  • Originality.
  • Technical and aesthetic quality of the creation, assessing whether editing and assembly are adequate.
  • Clarity of the explanation provided.
  • Correction of the contents, even if it is informative, should not lose a minimum rigor.
  • Approach the description of the technique and its applications correctly.
  • Quality, correction, and consistency of the submitted document with the submitted video.


  • Alberto J. Bugarín Diz Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • Jose Antonio Gámez Martín Universidad de Castilla la Mancha
Contact: caepia2024_appvideo@easychair.org


  • Alberto Bugarín Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Jose Antonio Gámez Universidad de Castilla la Mancha
  • Oscar Luaces Universidad de Oviedo
  • Eva Onaindia Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
  • Alicia Troncoso Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Exhibition and Awards

The selected videos will be shown to the public during the conference. Two prizes will be awarded for each competition. The organization reserves the right to declare the prize void.

Dates Apps & Videos Competition

Submission for the Apps & Video Competitions
1 April

First version Due: March 15th April 1st
Notification Due: April 1st April 12th
Document final version Due: April 23rd April 19th
App / Video Due: June 3rd.

As indicated in the rules of the respective competitions, as well as for the formalization of the inscription of at least one member per team to participate in each competition.

Waiting for your contributions!

Download the CfP

