About us

The Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA) is a biennial forum open to worldwide researchers to present and discuss their last scientific and technological advances in Artificial Intelligence. The 20th edition, CAEPIA'24, will be held in A Coruña, Spain, from the 19th to the 21st June, 2024. Organized by the Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial (LIDIA) research group.

In addition to the main conference, different workshops will be held on topics related to the main conference topics. These workshops emphasize emerging aspects, relevant issues, challenges, etc. of the A.I. The dates of the workshops will be the same as the main conference.


Workshop Proposals

The information needed to propose a workshop is as follows:

  • Workshop name and acronym. 
  • Name and surname of all the organizers. 
  • Affiliation of all organizers. 
  • Emails of all organizers.
  • Summary of workshop objectives.  

Waiting for your contributions!

Download the CfP

